Health & Safety
Whilst the LOLER regulations do not apply to everything, PUWER most certainly does. We’ll advise you on which you require.
Equipment must be inspected annually and reports held on file.
We have a standard pack with E,H&S policies, Risk Assessments, Method Statements etc available to all our customers.
Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)
In their ‘Simple Guide to LOLER’ the HSE state that:
You need to ensure that in using any lifting equipment the requirements of LOLER are met.
For example, you should ensure that all lifting equipment is:
- sufficiently strong, stable and suitable for the proposed use. Similarly, the load and anything attached (eg timber pallets, lifting points) must be suitable.
- positioned or installed to prevent the risk of injury, eg from the equipment or the load falling or striking people.
- visibly marked with any appropriate information to be taken into account for its safe use, eg safe working loads.
- accessories, eg slings, clamps etc, should be similarly marked.
- you must ensure that lifting operations are planned, supervised and carried out in a safe manner by people who are competent.
- where equipment is used for lifting people it is marked accordingly, and it should be safe for such a purpose, eg all necessary precautions have been taken to eliminate or reduce any risk.
- where appropriate, before lifting equipment (including accessories) is used for the first time, it is thoroughly examined. Lifting equipment may need to be thoroughly examined in use at periods specified in the Regulations (ie at least six-monthly for accessories and equipment used for lifting people and, at a minimum, annually for all other equipment) or at intervals laid down in an examination scheme drawn up by a competent person. All examination work should be performed by a competent person.
- following a thorough examination or inspection of any lifting equipment, a report is submitted by the competent person to the employer to take the appropriate action.
Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
In their ‘Simple Guide to PUWER’ the HSE state that:
"You must ensure that the work equipment you provide meets the requirements of PUWER. In doing so, you should ensure that it is:
- suitable for use, and for the purpose and conditions in which it is used.
- maintained in a safe condition for use so that people’s health and safety is not at risk.
- inspected in certain circumstances to ensure that it is, and continues to be, safe for use.
Any inspection should be carried out by a competent person (this could be an employee if they have the necessary competence to perform the task) and a record kept until the next inspection."
A regular service/inspection will therefore ensure that these requirements are met.
Drapers Material Handling Ltd is an accredited company to carry out Thorough Examinations in accordance with the CFTS Quality Assurance Procedural Code and abides by a Strict Code of Practice. CFTS Member: #966